• How to use SVM wisely in multiclass classification, is actually by using the built-in muticlass classification method that already inside whatever software package you use
  • There's always high chance built-in SVM for multiclass classification
  • Alternatively, use one vs all method. for each class, calculate theta1 to thetaK, with theta1 calculate for y=1, to thetaK calculate for y=k respectively. Then pick class i with largest hypothesis  among  theta.

  • When do we use between these two algorithm?
  • So many features without less data, then linear should be enough, because logistic will be hard, only increase complexity, and thus prone to overfitting, especially with only smaller training example.
  • The second condition is where SVM with Gaussian kernel outshine all other algorithm.
  • The third one is where SVM Gaussian kernel tends to fall in, even if we use software package. This is is the case where we talked earlier, that the number of parameters will match number of training example. So huge training example will increase complexity of calculation significantly.
  • logistic regression or SVM without kernel perform similar and have result similarity. Only in special case where one perfom better than the other.
  • Sometimes SVM built in package better than neural network, especially in specified regime mentioned above.
  • SVM also perfom complex non-linear function as convex, as it always found global optima, so need to worry about it found local optima.

  • At beginning feeling vague of which the algorithm to use
  • Still widely recognized as one of the most popular powerful learning algorithm
  • Logistic Regression and Neural Networks are widely used for learning algorithm
  • Three algorithms (Logistic Regression, Neural Networks, SVM) alone in arsenal could be build state-of-the-art machine learning systems