Coeffecient Determination
- Explain the model,with best approach to one, poorer approach zero
Non-parametric test
- non-parametric test assume that both are not from the same population(probability distribution), but still want to test the similarity between them(null hypothesis). Or it want to test wheter two population come from the same population
- The most common use comparison test between two subset of data
Introduction and Statistic(Rigor)
This chapter is discussed about Machine Learning vs Statistics as data analysis to solve the prediction of the data, the correlation of the data, or making a good hypothesis
- We can use statistic with significance test
Conclusion and Project for Data Wrangling
- The project assignment for lesson 2 will use all we know so far
How to handle missing data
- Listwise Deletion: For computation that require birthdate and deathdate, lose the row that missing
Sanity Check for Missing Values
- This one way to check our missing value, by using panda describe function