Gradient Checking
- Backprop sometimes has bugs. Gradient checking will check wheter backprop will eventually decreasing.....
Implementation note: Unrolling parameters
- Advanced optimization to unroll parameter from matrices into vectors
Backpropagation Intuition
- Make a better intuition about backpropagation
Backpropagation Algorithm
- Algorihtm to minimize the cost function(BA) in particular
Multi-class Classification
- last sample videos actually a multiclass classification for differentiate 10 digits learning of handwriting recognition
Examples & Intuition ll
- how neural networks can compute non-linear hypothesis
Examples & Intuition l
give better intuition for neural networks
- neural networks to solve xor/xnor
Model Representation ll
- how to do it efficiently (vectorized)
Neurons & the brain
- computer becomes fast enough to handle the computational expensive of neural networks