This is the data of baseball player team
If we look into the data, there's something missing out
Average bat can't be more than one thousand, and there's missing left-or-hand by Ichiro SUzuki.
Data Wrangling is an art of gathering, fixing, and cleaning up the data that we have.
There's 3 part to gather data, files, databases, and Web APIS
At some point of our lifes, there's gotta be an experience when we have mesy data
Like how we have to find personal budget in our projects,
Or there's too many catalog menu in Bake sales.
We should be realize by now that cleaning the data will need much work
It's important to visualize the data, find out the structure to really understand the what data that we have.
Nick Gustafson said:
About average projects, spent time about 50% to gather the data.
If the data can't be used by our algorithm, then we have to reiterate the process.