Evaluating a hyphotesis
Evaluating a hyphotesis
Choosing the correct parameters whether is underfitting or overfitting
Much harder evaluate hypothesis if we have much more features
Split training examples, for first the usual training set.
The second, is the test set.
70% for training set and 30% set for test set for the split term
Recommended for the training set to be shuffled, or random sorted
Inject the theta from J theta training set and implement it for theta in Jerror test
These are the test error for linear regression
How about logistic regression at classification?
The process is similar
Takes theta from 70% examples, that is training set, then plug in the theta for J error
Sometimes there's alternative, that is missclassfication method that simpler
If the hyphothesis is inccorrect predicting the value of output, then label 0 to hyphotesis, 1 otherwise
These are few examples for evaluating hyphotesis
Next, Choose what features, or degree of plynomials, or choosing regularization for learning algorithm