Boosting, Pre-decesor

Boosting, Pre-decesor

  • Now we're implementing something called spam classfier.
  • Boosting is one of the famous ensemble learning
  • First let's introduce a problem of spam email
  • we can think of being positive as one indication of spam
  • and negative as non spam

  • This is the core algorithm of boosting algorithm
  • First learn a simple spam indicator. set that as a rule
  • Then for every other spam, combine more and more until whole one rule
  • But it's not be the case to include directly whole data as a rule. That would be called overfiting.

  • This is just how overall boosting should look like.
  • One of the simplest method of 1 is just taking subset(email) and learn from it.
  • Then for combine, just average of it
  • So if we take it to the learning algorithm
  • We have n points, and the attribute is all 0th order poloynomial.
  • We take one data point and take to the learner, the results is the mean for one particuular data points.
  • The ensemble outputs are just mean with n-numbers.

  • First we take randomly 5 subsets; each subset takes randomly 5 example from it.
  • the red points is the all available data points, and the green one is cross validation points
  • Then we apply third order polynomial, and average each of the subsets.
  • The curve will then produced 5 lines.
  • We can see that all line perform polynomial regression.
  • Some of the lines match point 1 to 4, but last two points maybe missed
  • The red line is the average of all subsets with 3rd degree polynomial
  • The blue line is the average of all subsets with 4th degree polynomial
  • These overall called bagging, takes bag of data, but not necessarily called boosting.