Aadhaar Data and Relational Databases
Advice for Data Scientist and Recap
Advice, Recap & Conclusion
Analyzing Data
Auditing the data
Bayesian Inference
Boosting, Post-decessor
Boosting, Pre-decesor
Boxplot, histogram, visualization in R sysntax
Classification vs Regression
Cleaning the data
Coeffecient Determination
Conclusion and Project for Data Wrangling
Conclusion, other advice, assignment and Recap
Counting Words
CSV Wrangling
Data Formats
Data Types and Scales
Data Wrangling, Analyze Messy Data and Nick's Experiences
Database Schema
Decision Trees
Final Project
How to handle missing data
Infinite Hypothesis Spaces
Instance Based Learning and Others
Intro Map Reduce
Intro to Data Visualization
Intro to EDA
Introducing Don and Rishiraj, advice on Communicate Findings
Introduction and Statistic(Rigor)
Introduction of Data Wrangling
Introduction to pandas and Numpy
Joint Distribution
Joshua intro and advice, addition, Recap and Conclusion
JSON Wrangling
Learning Theory
Linear Regression, Gradient Descent, Cost Function
Machine Learning
More Map Reduce
Neural Networks & Perceptron
Non-parametric test
Note from Intro to Data Science
Openstreetmap Data
Pac Learning
Pandas and Dataframes
Polynomial Regression
Problem Set 2
Project Intro for Titanic
R Basics
Sanity Check for Missing Values
Scraping from Web
Support Vector Machines
Tools for Neural Networks & Others
Visual Encodings
Visualizing Time Series Data
XML Parsing
A/B Testing Multiple Metrics
A/B Testing Single Metric
A/B Testing Sanity Check
Duration of Experiment
Size of Experiment
Population of Experiment
Subject of Experiment
Variability of Metrics
High to Low Level Metrics A/B Testing
Difficult Metrics in A/B Testing
A/B Testing Metrics
Policy and Ethics in A/B Testing
A/B Testing Overview
Introduction to Statistical Distributions
Research Methods
Using MapReduce and Design Pattern
Hadoop and Big Data
Interaction and Animation with D3.js
Narrative Structures of Data Journalism
Design and Principles of Data Visualization
Dimple Basics
D3 Basics
Fundamentals of Data Visualization
validation with scikit-learn
evaluation with scikit-learn
PCA with scikit-learn
Feature Selection with scikit-learn
Text Learning with scikit-learn
Feature Scaling with scikit-learn
K-Means with scikit-learn
Outliers with scikit-learn
Regression with scikit-learn
Datasets and Question
Random Forest with scikit-learn
Decision Trees with scikit-learn
Support Vector Machine with scikit-learn
Wrangling with OpenStreetMap Data
Naive Bayes