Datasets and Question
Enron is one of the tenth largest companies back in 2002 at U.S. This multi-billion dollar company suddenly collapsed and thousands of people losing their jobs, and some of them going to jail. This company have identified as corporate fraud, and go to bankruptcy as one of the most complex bankruptcy cases in U.S. history. The fraud was so massive and some may wonder why it lasted until 2001. Even Enron bankruptcy some said closely tied with 9/11 incident.
After the incidents, the emails of the company is open to public. This is huge and real datasets. It contains communication between people, and this corpes.
We will use Enron datasets to apply our machine learning problem. We will follow Katie experience in explore the datasets and learn by her mistake. We will use our various technique, different algorithm, to solve datasets problem. We will use clustering (unsupervised learning algorithm) to uncover who's the board director or just staff. We use regression to see the relationships between salary/bonuses.We use recommender systems, based on the conversation of the movie they have, and also identify some of the bugs/outliers
This datasets, while decades earlier, still applicable for modern learning. This is a real one, not synthesized, and can be made as a project. We will explore this dataset, comes with interesting question, and becoming expert through this dataset.
Person of Interest (POI)¶
- Indicted
- Settled without admitting guilt
- Testified in exchange for immunity
POI is person of interest by the government. In web they listed 35 people in Enron fraud. Here Katie listed by hand. It's possible to have more or less than he mentioned.
Accuracy vs. Training Set Size¶
Here is the plot that for example we have 1000 training datasets. By usual machine learning expert, they split the dataset by 80:20(train,test). For some they split 60:20:20(train,cv,test). Here we also plot the the graph using this incremental 200 examples. With the plot, we see that, monothonic increase, we have curve that get's better and better, with the slope slowly increase at the end.
If we can plot it like this, we know that if just have 400 examples, we have to get more data. With 800 examples, we may also predict based on the curve, increase 1000 examples will gain small performance increase.
In general, more data could be better than fine tuned algorithm. But it's impartially true. it's true that more data could fixed high variance. But if you algorithm has high bias, then increase your dataset wouldn't fix your performance. For more information please check my other blog.
Enron Dataset¶
When I have downloaded, I can see that of all 150 in Enron data, only 5 people (marked by Y in the list Katie mentioned) that are in the dataset. This generally not a good problem, since 5 example wouldn't be enought. Let's approach this from different angle.
These are type of data that we typically found in the dataset.
For Example:
- Numerical: Salary, number of emails,
- Categorical: Job Title
- Time Series: Timestamps on emails,
- Text: Contents of emails,to/from fields email
Enron Mini-Project¶
The Enron fraud is a big, messy and totally fascinating story about corporate malfeasance of nearly every imaginable type. The Enron email and financial datasets are also big, messy treasure troves of information, which become much more useful once you know your way around them a bit. We’ve combined the email and finance data into a single dataset, which you’ll explore in this mini-project.
starter code for exploring the Enron dataset (emails + finances)
loads up the dataset (pickled dict of dicts)
the dataset has the form
enron_data["LASTNAME FIRSTNAME MIDDLEINITIAL"] = { features_dict }
{features_dict} is a dictionary of features associated with that person
you should explore features_dict as part of the mini-project,
but here's an example to get you started:
enron_data["SKILLING JEFFREY K"]["bonus"] = 5600000
import pickle
enron_data = pickle.load(open("../final_project/final_project_dataset.pkl", "r"))
enron_data['SKILLING JEFFREY K']['bonus']
len(enron_data['SKILLING JEFFREY K'])
count = 0
for user in enron_data:
if enron_data[user]['poi'] == True:
print count
%load ../final_project/
%load ../final_project/poi_names.txt
(y) Lay, Kenneth
(y) Skilling, Jeffrey
(n) Howard, Kevin
(n) Krautz, Michael
(n) Yeager, Scott
(n) Hirko, Joseph
(n) Shelby, Rex
(n) Bermingham, David
(n) Darby, Giles
(n) Mulgrew, Gary
(n) Bayley, Daniel
(n) Brown, James
(n) Furst, Robert
(n) Fuhs, William
(n) Causey, Richard
(n) Calger, Christopher
(n) DeSpain, Timothy
(n) Hannon, Kevin
(n) Koenig, Mark
(y) Forney, John
(n) Rice, Kenneth
(n) Rieker, Paula
(n) Fastow, Lea
(n) Fastow, Andrew
(y) Delainey, David
(n) Glisan, Ben
(n) Richter, Jeffrey
(n) Lawyer, Larry
(n) Belden, Timothy
(n) Kopper, Michael
(n) Duncan, David
(n) Bowen, Raymond
(n) Colwell, Wesley
(n) Boyle, Dan
(n) Loehr, Christopher
def poiEmails():
email_list = ["",
return email_list
How many POI’s were there total? (Use the names file, not the email addresses, since many folks have more than one address and a few didn’t work for Enron, so we don’t have their emails.)
fo = open('../final_project/poi_names.txt','r')
fr = fo.readlines()
As you can see, we have many of the POIs in our E+F dataset, but not all of them. Why is that a potential problem?
We will return to this later to explain how a POI could end up not being in the Enron E+F dataset, so you fully understand the issue before moving on.
There are a few things you could say here, but our main thought is about having enough data to really learn the patterns. In general, more data is always better--only having 18 data points doesn't give you that many examples to learn from.
enron_data['SKILLING JEFFREY K'].keys()
enron_data['PRENTICE JAMES']['total_stock_value']
enron_data['COLWELL WESLEY']['from_this_person_to_poi']
enron_data['SKILLING JEFFREY K']['exercised_stock_options']
Research the Enron Fraud¶
In the coming lessons, we’ll talk about how the best features are often motivated by our human understanding of the problem at hand. In this case, that means knowing a little about the story of the Enron fraud.
If you have an hour and a half to spare, “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” is a documentary that gives an amazing overview of the story. Alternatively, there are plenty of archival newspaper stories that chronicle the rise and fall of Enron.
enron_data['SKILLING JEFFREY K']['total_payments']
enron_data['LAY KENNETH L']['total_payments']
enron_data['FASTOW ANDREW S']['total_payments']
enron_data['FASTOW ANDREW S']['deferral_payments']
count_salary = 0
count_email = 0
for key in enron_data.keys():
if enron_data[key]['salary'] != 'NaN':
if enron_data[key]['email_address'] != 'NaN':
print count_salary
print count_email
Dict to Array Conversion¶
A python dictionary can’t be read directly into an sklearn classification or regression algorithm; instead, it needs a numpy array or a list of lists (each element of the list (itself a list) is a data point, and the elements of the smaller list are the features of that point).
We’ve written some helper functions (featureFormat() and targetFeatureSplit() in tools/ that can take a list of feature names and the data dictionary, and return a numpy array.
In the case when a feature does not have a value for a particular person, this function will also replace the feature value with 0 (zero).
%load ../tools/
A general tool for converting data from the
dictionary format to an (n x k) python list that's
ready for training an sklearn algorithm
n--no. of key-value pairs in dictonary
k--no. of features being extracted
dictionary keys are names of persons in dataset
dictionary values are dictionaries, where each
key-value pair in the dict is the name
of a feature, and its value for that person
In addition to converting a dictionary to a numpy
array, you may want to separate the labels from the
features--this is what targetFeatureSplit is for
so, if you want to have the poi label as the target,
and the features you want to use are the person's
salary and bonus, here's what you would do:
feature_list = ["poi", "salary", "bonus"]
data_array = featureFormat( data_dictionary, feature_list )
label, features = targetFeatureSplit(data_array)
the line above (targetFeatureSplit) assumes that the
label is the _first_ item in feature_list--very important
that poi is listed first!
import numpy as np
def featureFormat( dictionary, features, remove_NaN=True, remove_all_zeroes=True, remove_any_zeroes=False ):
""" convert dictionary to numpy array of features
remove_NaN=True will convert "NaN" string to 0.0
remove_all_zeroes=True will omit any data points for which
all the features you seek are 0.0
remove_any_zeroes=True will omit any data points for which
any of the features you seek are 0.0
return_list = []
for key in dictionary.keys():
tmp_list = []
append = False
for feature in features:
except KeyError:
print "error: key ", feature, " not present"
value = dictionary[key][feature]
if value=="NaN" and remove_NaN:
value = 0
tmp_list.append( float(value) )
### if all features are zero and you want to remove
### data points that are all zero, do that here
if remove_all_zeroes:
all_zeroes = True
for item in tmp_list:
if item != 0 and item != "NaN":
append = True
### if any features for a given data point are zero
### and you want to remove data points with any zeroes,
### handle that here
if remove_any_zeroes:
any_zeroes = False
if 0 in tmp_list or "NaN" in tmp_list:
append = False
if append:
return_list.append( np.array(tmp_list) )
return np.array(return_list)
def targetFeatureSplit( data ):
given a numpy array like the one returned from
featureFormat, separate out the first feature
and put it into its own list (this should be the
quantity you want to predict)
return targets and features as separate lists
(sklearn can generally handle both lists and numpy arrays as
input formats when training/predicting)
target = []
features = []
for item in data:
target.append( item[0] )
features.append( item[1:] )
return target, features
Mission POI¶
As you saw a little while ago, not every POI has an entry in the dataset (e.g. Michael Krautz). That’s because the dataset was created using the financial data you can find in final_project/enron61702insiderpay.pdf, which is missing some POI’s (those absences propagated through to the final dataset). On the other hand, for many of these “missing” POI’s, we do have emails.
While it would be straightforward to add these POI’s and their email information to the E+F dataset, and just put “NaN” for their financial information, this could introduce a subtle problem. You will walk through that here.
How many people in the E+F dataset (as it currently exists) have “NaN” for their total payments? What percentage of people in the dataset as a whole is this?
count_NaN_tp = 0
for key in enron_data.keys():
if enron_data[key]['total_payments'] == 'NaN':
print count_NaN_tp
print float(count_NaN_tp)/len(enron_data.keys())
count_NaN_tp = 0
for key in enron_data.keys():
if enron_data[key]['total_payments'] == 'NaN' and enron_data[key]['poi'] == True :
print count_NaN_tp
print float(count_NaN_tp)/len(enron_data.keys())
Yes, correct. No training points would have "NaN" for total_payments when the class label is "POI"
Now there are 156 folks in dataset, 31 of whom have "NaN" total_payments. This makes for 20% of them with a "NaN" overall.
count = 0
for user in enron_data:
if enron_data[user]['poi'] == True and enron_data[user]['total_payments'] == 'NaN':
print count
Now there are 28 POI's, 10 of whom have "NaN" for total_payments
That's 36% of the POI's who have "NaN" for total_payments, a big jump from before.
Final Notes from Instructor¶
Adding in the new POI’s in this example, none of whom we have financial information for, has introduced a subtle problem, that our lack of financial information about them can be picked up by an algorithm as a clue that they’re POIs. Another way to think about this is that there’s now a difference in how we generated the data for our two classes--non-POIs all come from the financial spreadsheet, while many POIs get added in by hand afterwards. That difference can trick us into thinking we have better performance than we do--suppose you use your POI detector to decide whether a new, unseen person is a POI, and that person isn’t on the spreadsheet. Then all their financial data would contain “NaN” but the person is very likely not a POI (there are many more non-POIs than POIs in the world, and even at Enron)--you’d be likely to accidentally identify them as a POI, though!
This goes to say that, when generating or augmenting a dataset, you should be exceptionally careful if your data are coming from different sources for different classes. It can easily lead to the type of bias or mistake that we showed here. There are ways to deal with this, for example, you wouldn’t have to worry about this problem if you used only email data--in that case, discrepancies in the financial data wouldn’t matter because financial features aren’t being used. There are also more sophisticated ways of estimating how much of an effect these biases can have on your final answer; those are beyond the scope of this course.
For now, the takeaway message is to be very careful about introducing features that come from different sources depending on the class! It’s a classic way to accidentally introduce biases and mistakes.